Kristin Ciccolella

Posted: December 12, 2016 By: Comment: 0

Before I met Jewels, I didn’t know what it felt like to actually breathe. My breath was shallow and short. She gently walked me through the entire process to connect with my body and breath in a manner that completely relaxed me. I immediately felt it through my entire body. I am not a yogi and actually I was quite intimidated by it. But Jewels taught me simple techniques, broken down, that I can implement in my daily life… and has truly changed my life! If you are not into yoga, don’t be afraid to schedule a private session with her. She is gentle and gets it and she will get you, at whatever stage you are. Feel free to call me if you would like to hear my experience with Jewels.


Jewels Bertrand

All stories by: Jewels Bertrand